

Experienced Team
wykwalifikowana kadra instruktorska, byli operatorzy/medycy polskich sił specjalnych – JWK LUBLINIEC – posiadający uprawnienia instruktorskie TCCC USA – NAEMT.
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Contemporary equipment
Podczas szkoleń używamy najnowszego sprzętu w ilości pozwalającej każdemu z uczestników zmaksymalizować czas spędzony na praktycznym wykonywaniu czynności ratunkowych.
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Jakość ponad ilość
Learn how to provide medical assistance in battlefield settings based on the latest world solutions.
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high intensity
students have the opportunity to learn the educational techniques used in the elite colleges of medical personnel of special forces in the world.
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Experienced operators of the Military Commando Unit


Learn how to provide medical assistance in battlefield settings based on the latest world solutions.Our trainings are marked by high intensity, where students have the opportunity to learn techniques educational used in the elite colleges of medical personnel of special forces in the world.
More about us

Photos from the courses


We served in the elite units of the Polish Army. After retirement the service, we want to pass on to you the knowledge and experience gained in combat conditions.

He completed advanced training of special forces medics "Special Operations Combat Medic" in U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, JSOMTC, Fort Bragg, USA.

An experienced operator of the Commandos Military Unit. A graduate of the Special Operations Combat Medic Course (SOCM)

and reviews

Medicine does not stand still, so we are constantly improving. All this so that our students receive the best medical solutions of the modern battlefield and are ready, almost for anything.

I would like to express to WIR my gratitude – for supporting and guiding me through the process of learnig field medicine. His help was invaluable, moreover his advice and feedback have greatly contributed to the overall quality of my professional medical knowledge.


Course participator

I highly recommend the TC3 course with Wira !!! There is no day for me not to think about this course, what I learned there, about the people I met ... I still read notes, I practice different scenes so that I never forget my knowledge that I value very much. Coming there I thought I was just going to the "TC3 course" and the reality was completely different. Lots of learning, conversations, questions, sleepless nights, intense thinking ... (...) I passed the exam! And I keep doing my job. Certainly, this is not my last course with Wira! (...).


TCCC participator

Mega course, mega instructors, good medicine, nice climate, lots of practice, no boredom. I'm delighted.
For me a bomb. I heartily recommend


Course participator

What Our Clients
Say About Us

We appreciate and value our clients` opinion greatly. We aspire to perfection by sharpening our training skills and improving the training facilities. Your feedback matters a lot to us and helps become better.

I would like to express to WIR my gratitude – for supporting and guiding me through the process of learnig field medicine. His help was invaluable, moreover his advice and feedback have greatly contributed to the overall quality of my professional medical knowledge.


Course participator

Mega course, mega instructors, good medicine, nice climate, lots of practice, no boredom. I'm delighted.
For me a bomb. I heartily recommend


Course participator
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